“In our region, we should be the leader with the sustainability of agriculture and product diversity. Actions to be taken in developing markets should be done without losing time.
Ramcitrus should always be the leading farmer.”
1910, RamCitrus Founder
The agricultural industry was established in 1352 by Ramazanoğulları, the founder dynasty of the Ramazanoğlu Beylik, which governed the productive regions of Çukurova for many years.
One of the main farmers in Çukurova, Kadri Ramazanoğlu, received his degree from UCLA in 1952 and immediately began setting up a world-class operation on a 1200-hectare plot of land.
RamCitrus works on with technology, production, processing, and packaging in compliance global quality standards.
Innovative investments, food safety, consumer satisfaction, management, and quality principles are all part of R&D studies.
The company’s vision is being a prominent organization both domestically and internationally.

The Beginning of the Story

Ramcitrus was founded

Citrus was Exported

Good Agriculture Certificate

Global GAP

Fruit Processing Plant
Team Members
From Tradition to Future: Flourishing Ideas, Fertile Tomorrows

Teyfik Kadri Ramazanoğlu
Honory President

Teyfik Kadri Ramazanoğlu
Honory President
Honorary President, Teyfik Kadri Ramazanoğlu, was born in 1961 in Adana.
- As the Ramazanoğlu family, since 1952, they have cooperated with DSI (Government) in the agricultural leveling of the Çukurova region, in the construction of drainage and irrigation canals.
- In 1972, it became one of the pioneers of the first sprinkler systems in the plain by switching from hydroponic agriculture to irrigated agriculture in its region, bringing quality in production, sustainability of agriculture, and differentiation, and a perspective that gives importance to the agriculture of the future.
- In 1982, with the cooperation of Çukurova University, it brought a new lemon variety more suitable for the conditions of the region and the markets. It opened the vaccine chamber to the plain farmers free of charge, providing benefits for the region’s farmers.
- In 1988, in a joint study with ALATA Research Institute, the region’s first avocado plant was produced
- Ramazanoğlu, who directs many innovative agricultural projects; in the globalizing and developing world,
- It has made making a difference with innovative thinking as its life motto.
- By sharing the Ramazanoğlu family’s experience from the past, we aim to further strengthen the foundations of this hundreds-of-years-old structure.
• Primary and Secondary Education (ADANA)
• Towson Stratford Language School English Education, (USA)
• Study Business Administration at Towson State University at Essex Community College
• Ramazanoğlu Foundation
• Association for the Preservation and Sustenance of Ramazanoğlu Social Complex
• Adana Citrus Producers Association (ADATÜB)
• Adana Farmers Union
• Adana Citrus Innovation Center (ADATİM)

Erdoğan Ramazanoğlu

Erdoğan Ramazanoğlu
After completing his education, he worked in the Finance and Sales departments of the Agricultural sector. He undertook various innovative projects including the production, industrialization, and promotion of Stevia, a natural sweetener not previously produced in Turkey. He collaborated with global companies, serving as the ambassador of Turkey in the “Sugar Reduction Community” organization.
Additionally, he managed the certification processes and increased Digital Transformation, Traceability, and Food Standards in agricultural production. As a result, he became the first licensed producer of renewable energy resources in agriculture.
Erdoğan Ramazanoğlu aims to become a brand in exports by focusing on the Freeze Dry system for more value-added production. He founded the Ramson company, of which he currently serves as General Manager. While continuing his training in Innovation, Strategic Planning, and TRIZ, he also actively participates in various NGO memberships.
Furthermore, he is committed to his family and social responsibility projects. He supports talented young people in need, both in agriculture and education, through his social responsibility projects.
• Primary and Secondary education (ADANA)
• Çukurova University, Department of Business Administration (3rd place and honor student)
• Academic English (UK)
• Marketing and Brand Management
• Adana Young Businessmen Association (AGİAD)
• Adana Citrus Producers Association (ADATÜB)
• Adana Farmers Union
• Ramazanoğlu Foundation
• Association for the Preservation and Sustenance of Ramazanoğlu Social Complex

Kadri Ramazanoğlu

Kadri Ramazanoğlu
During his professional career, he worked as a production and operations manager in logistics and mining companies, including family businesses. He managed operations for the largest logistics subcontractor during the construction of Istanbul New Airport, the 3rd Bridge in Istanbul, and the Northern Marmara Highway. He gained experience working as a mine production manager in the Adana region.
In addition, he started a hobby which he turned into an industrial-level prototype facility for integrated ornamental fish production (Diskus) in European standards. The software and Project are his own, and only five companies in the world have implemented them. With efficiency, sustainable production, and ecological agriculture in mind, he aims to integrate ornamental fish production with plant production and focus on organic, traceable, and controllable AQUPONIC systems.
He also conducts prototype studies on artificial intelligence, robotic systems, precision agriculture applications, and mechanization of agriculture. The COO of the company is Ramson.
In addition to his professional work, he is actively involved in NGO memberships and is loyal to his family roots. He supports talented young people in agriculture and in need through his social responsibility projects.
• Primary and Secondary education (ADANA)
• Enrollment in Çukurova University Mechanical Engineering Department with the first rank,
graduation as an HONOR STUDENT (ADANA)
• Columbia University – New York Academic Technical English (USA)
• Çukurova University “MBA-Finance” (MASTER)
• Okan University “Explosives and Explosive Engineering” (MASTER)
• Adana Chamber of Engineers
• Ramazanoğlu Foundation
• Association for the Preservation and Sustenance of Ramazanoğlu Social Complex
• Adana Citrus Innovation Center (ADATİM)
• Blasting Engineers Association

Dr. Coşkun Er (Ph.D)
Board Member

Dr. Coşkun Er (Ph.D)
Board Member
Since beginning his professional career in 1993, he has held various logistics and supply positions across multiple departments until 2009. Since then, he worked for Turkey’s third-largest food company, which generates an annual turnover of 2 billion dollars During his tenure at the company, he held multiple positions such as
• CEO Office Director,
• SAP Project Manager,
• Director of CIO/CTO,
• Projects Director,
• Export Strategy Director (120 million USD in annual exports).
• Deputy Chairman of the Board for Turkey’s third-largest thermal power plant.
• Primary and Secondary Education (KONYA)
• Military Academy (Undergraduate Business Administration)
• Master of Education in Educational Administration (MBA) Yeditepe University
• Master of Business Administration Selcuk University
• PhD in Business Administration (Production Management and Marketing) Selcuk University
• Logistics and Supply Management (Fort Lee-Virginia-USA)
• Logistics Officer at ISAF (NATO) Afghanistan Kabul

Bülent Kılıç
Board Member

Bülent Kılıç
Factory Director
Since before graduating he started his business career in 1986. He held various food sectors business to develop food business and project management carrier. These are mainly, Coca-Cola for beverage/water & fast-food chains, Al Othaim for FMCG, Kerevitaş for sea foods, frozen foods fruit and vegetables. Altınmarka for Cacao and coffee., Esas (Sabancı) Holding Dairy, Torku (Panagro, Konya Şeker, KFAU) for Dairy, Meat, Juice as well as other food sectors. Out of food sector he has worked in automotive and medical.
He had various duties starting from engineer to factory manager, project manager, technical director, general manager in positions. Finally, he has assigned to Manufacturing Director position for TKR as a current duty.
• ODTÜ (Food Engineering)